
Bloom Color Pallete

the featured of bloom color palette

Bloom Color Pallete submitted by user Andre Savage. This color palette has total 5 colors and contains the following hex color codes : #454d6e, #f1efee, #999a5e, #989cad, #ab6470,

Below the table are the HEX, RGB, CMYK color codes and the basic information of each color of the palette. Feel free and copy every color value that you want.

Color Color Models
CMYK : (37, 30, 0, 57)
HEX : #454d6e
HSL : (228, 100%, 35%)
RGB : 69,77,110
CMYK : (0, 1, 1, 5)
HEX : #f1efee
HSL : (0, 100%, 94%)
RGB : 241,239,238
CMYK : (1, 0, 39, 40)
HEX : #999a5e
HSL : (61, 100%, 49%)
RGB : 153,154,94
CMYK : (12, 10, 0, 32)
HEX : #989cad
HSL : (229, 100%, 64%)
RGB : 152,156,173
CMYK : (0, 42, 35, 33)
HEX : #ab6470
HSL : (0, 100%, 53%)
RGB : 171,100,112

The meaning of Bloom color pallete

Color Color Psychology Color Meanings in Business
Blue Blue is the color of the sea and sky. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes loyalty, trust, confidence, truth, wisdom, intelligence, faith, and heavens. You may use blue to promote services and products related to air, sky, and cleanliness. Also, you may use blue in your branding. This will help people associate the brand with a quality, reliable,, and safe product.
Gray The color gray is a timeless and practical color. It is often associated with loss or depression. It is the color of conformity. It is cool, neutral, detached, and balanced color. You may use gray color for headers, font colors, graphics, even products to appeal to a mass audience. You may use it if you have a serious brand and you want to communicate the stability and authority of a corporate institution.
Green Green is the color of nature and health. It represents growth, nature, fertility, and safety. It is also linked with finances, banking, money, ambition, jealousy, and wall street. The green color is often used to state safety in the advertising of drugs and medical products. It is the color related with to nature and energy. It is also an excellent choice if you plan to promote an organic product.
Pink Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. It is the power and passion of red color softened with the openness, purity, and completeness of white. You may use a pink color in beauty and in a derogatory fashion. Pink color communicates playfulness, while light pink is used to communicate tenderness. Many products targeted toward a feminine audience use pink.

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