

Color converter

Color converter is a tool that helps you to get the color codes of HEX, RGB, Float, HSL, and HSV.

Enter your color code into the field of “Write your color code here”. In addition, the selected color code is display as the background color.

Use the copy button, to paste the converted color. With the result that, you can use it your design project.






Converted color

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A collection of free tools for developers that will help you to get flowing and simply speed up the way you work.

Color generator

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Color palette from img URL

Copy the image URL inside to the field and will be generated one dominant color with five total colors in RGB color format.

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Pattern generator

Use two main colors, customize your settings and create your own pattern to use in your next design project.

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Color tints and shades

Input as many colors as you want in the HEX color code and every one colors of them will be generated in tints and shades.

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Color converter

Get the generated color code from your main color, in RGB, HSL, HSV, float, HEX color code.

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CSS box shadow generator

This tool lets you construct CSS box-shadow effects, to add box shadow effects to your CSS objects.

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Color inspiration for flat design. The colors of this tool are available in RGB, HSL, HSV, HEX, CMYK, HEX, RGBA color code.

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